If you own or operate a Fork Lift Truck it is your legal obligation to ensure it has a valid Report of Thorough Examination. Failing to comply with this Health & Safety Legislation could lead to prosecution, invalidation of your insurance or, worst of all, a serious accident due to faulty equipment.
A Thorough Examination is distinctly separate from a truck’s regular maintenance programme, it is an examination embedded in legislation. It is similar in many ways to a car’s MOT test, but unlike the MOT it applies to trucks as little as one year old.
It is required under two governing bodies of Health & Safety Legislation:
LOLER98 (Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulation 1998) - which covers lifting components.
PUWER98 (Provision of Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998) - which deals with all other safety-related items, such as brakes, steering & tyres.